3 Social Media Tips for Brand building

3 Social Media Tips for Brand building

How do you connect with your customers? How do you build authentic relationships with them? Understanding behavious is key.

Without a doubt, social media is the way to go to connect with existing and prospective customers. Understand why and how to use these platforms are key in building a successful brand. Here are three tips you can utilise to build your brand on social media.

Understanding your customers

No two social media platforms are the same. When it comes to building your brand socially, you need to understand where you customers are. While it is better to have multiple platforms, there is probably no need for all.

Utilizing and executing on platforms that matter the most for your business is what will separate your brand from the rest. For example, if you deal primarily with B2C customers, your best would be Instagram and Facebook. If you deal with B2B clients, LinkedIn would be ideal. Understanding what each platform offers is the key determinant for a successful branding on social media.

Human connection

The whole existence of social media is to connect with people around the world and locally. With more and more “automated” content, people now appreciate more authenticity now than anything. While advertising your service/product is a must, think about connecting with your prospects on a human level.

What are their desires? What are their needs? Are you able to address those? Spark conversation with them - Q&A, interviews, ask them questions that matter. At the end of the day, customers will choose someone they can trust. People trust people.


If you have multiple platforms running, it’s best to be consistent across all of them. The last thing you want is for a customer to see you one way on Facebook, but something else on Instagram. Keeping a consistent image across all platforms shows not only your understanding of each, but also your professionalism and story. If they see what they expect, they’ll like what they see - that’s how trust is built.

Last thoughts

The more effort and consideration you put into each platform, the more it will benefit you. Social media is not just a way to advertise your brand, but rather a way for you to show who you are professionally, connect with them and engage in compelling ways, and learning from one another. Really, social media is a two way street. Build trust, build connections, and you’ll build business.

3 Social Media Tips for Brand building

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