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How much do ads cost? What platforms do I need for my business? What are ads? No matter the question we are here to help you understand social media marketing as easy as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Just a few questions that we get asked  all the time!

Where are you located?

We are located in the beautiful south eastern side of Melbourne. In saying that, we work with clients all over Australia. Location is not an issue for us! (Who wants to work in the office nowadays anyway)

What's your typical cost for a campaign?

Dependent on strategy, campaigns can cost anywhere from $500-$3,000+ a month. Do keep in mind that a higher budget doesn't always mean it's better! The right strategy needs to be set first.

I have an idea for marketing, can you do it?

We love hearing ideas and we always strive for new innovative ways to market and make your business stand out. We can offer a no-obligation free consult for the first time, and see if we're a good fit!

Can I get a quote for a custom package?

Of course, we do a bespoke service/package for all our clients. We understand that no two businesses are the same, so we'll do everything we can to ensure the right strategy fits the right goals for your business.

What is the typical timeline?

We work with clients with a minimum of 3 months+. The first month usually involves setting up strong foundations, framework and marketing structure for your business. Ads & marketing comes after!

Do you guarantee marketing results?

Is anything really guaranteed in life? Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise! Jokes aside, we work with no lock-in contracts, meaning within any month of our service you find our efforts unsatisfactory, we'll give you a full refund no questions asked.